Reader, Literature Meets Fashion is 5 Years old! In honor of my blog’s 5th birthday I created a new product color for my 16th century hand cuffs for the novel “The Queen’s Christmas”. These red hand cuffs and 17th century feather brooch transformed the outfit into a more Elizabethan style . In “The Queen’s Christmas” the author Karen Harper states, “I’m ready, she announced with a toss of her red hair that rattled the pearls on her jeweled cap”. In the text, Queen Elizabeth I is discussing her life as a queen and the hardships of knowing that the majority of men only get close to her in hopes of stealing her throne. In this novel, we see how the Queen’s style was known for her red hair, ruffs & cuffs and pearls. So, I wore a red bonnet as a representation of her red hair, and paired it with our 16th century cuffs and 17th century feather brooch that elevated my entire Elizabethan look. Reader, I must say this has been my favorite look yet!

16th century red hand cuffs: Available on my shop for purchase.

17th century Black feather brooch: Available on my shop for purchase.

As Always, I thrifted the other details of the outfit:

Plaid Blazer: Red, White, and Blue Thrift Store

Black Dress & Red stockings: Red, White, and Blue Thrift Store

Red Bonnet: @Amazon


A marvelous look inspired by the volume “Classic works from women writers”